Thursday, May 8, 2008

One Week Old Update

The babies have done well this week. I wanted to keep notes of everything that has gone on and answered prayers. Both babies have had jaundice, Kamryn's is gone. Taylor' white blood cell count kept rising. After prayers, it is on the decline. Both babies have had a PDA, which is an open artery coming off the heart that is supposed to close after birth and become a ligament, but doesn't. They both went through two rounds of treatment for it, and can do as many as three. Taylor's was closed after an echocardiogram, and Kamryn's had become a large. This has been sent out as a prayer request, because the next step is surgery. Though it's considered minor, we don't want that for her. We asked for them to do another echo before surgery and they said they wouldn't. We prayed about that, also, because if it was closed we wouldn't know. That was answered, because their NICU doctor is a believer from Jamaica who's father was a pastor, and he understood my concern. He talked with the cardiologist, and He agreed to do another one this evening. We are praying for God to close this, and look forward to that answered prayer. will update later.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Ted, Kerri, Kamryn & Taylor,
We are praying for nothing but great news with the echo this evening! We know that our God is awesome & He can do all things...
We will keep praying,
Kevin, Emily, Eli & Joshua Carlew