Thursday, July 3, 2008

2 months old and making progress

Taylor got moved to a nasal canula today, which is the last step before completely breathing on her own. She seems to be doing great at it. She is weighing 3 lbs 14 ozs, and Kamryn is 3 lbs 4 ozs. Kamryn lost about 6 ozs on the CPAP, because she was working so hard at it. She's doing well back on the tube, and is on the lowest settings she can be on, so hopefully she will be ready soon. Please pray for her weight gain and lung development, as well as Taylor's continued progress. They are now 34 weeks gested as of Monday, and will be 9 weeks old tomorrow. They got their first tub baths today, and we got to help. That was really cool, and they seemed to enjoy it. Please remember the docs and nurses in your prayers as well, and thanks again to everyone for all the encouraging comments and of course all the prayers.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Kamryn Reintubated

Kamryn got completely worn out on the cpap late last night, so she had to be taken off and have her breathing tube put back in. Taylor is still doing good, and both their blood-gasses looked good this morning. We are so proud of them both, because they go through so much each day. Kamryn weighs 3 lbs 4ozs, and Taylor is 3 lbs 11ozs. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. It is getting harder to be patient, so pray for that for us, also. Each time we have a new nurse it's stressful, because she doesn't know our babies. Some are not as gentle as we like, also. There are great nurses here, but it would be easier if we could stick with our favorite few. Pray for them both to continue to gain weight and get stronger. Pray also for Kamryn to be able to be ready for cpap again soon. We are planning a meeting with some parents at the Ronald Mcdonald house this week in hopes of reaching out to them and sharing the love of our Savior. Keep that in your prayers, too. Thank you all so much again.