Saturday, September 20, 2008

Going back to MS next week!

I just wanted to post this video of Kamryn and Taylor taken on my birthday. They are doing well and eating like horses, getting cuter by the day. We're still trying to figure out how to get them on a schedule. As I said before, for some reason they just don't understand schedules. What's funny is we try to feed them every 4 hours, which is what they did in the hospital. Kamryn doesn't like to wait that long. She has been going 2-3 hours and eating her full feed nearly each time. She's trying to catch up with sis. I think Kerri may begin having a hard time keeping up if they keep going like they are. Kerri has been working on a scrapbook of their lives up to this point. It brings tears of joy and relief to our eyes seeing just how fortunate they and we are. It blows our minds to think about how much we are blessed that not one, but both of them pulled through all the little problems and sicknesses and just challenges of being preemies without having any kind of surgeries or disabilities or death. It is completely evident that our God has heard the prayers of His saints who have interceded for His baby girls. I also wanted to post this poem that was on a card someone gave us. It has hints of scripture in it, but is completely scriptural- if that makes sense.
"I have formed this little child you hold within your heart. My mercy and My goodness have been there from the start. The face, the hands, the smile-I shaped all that you see. Take this gift I've given you and raise this child for Me." -Hicks
This is our desire. P.S.- Keep a friend that we made at the Ronald McDonald House named Rachel in your prayers. We were just informed that her baby, Layla, who was born at 23 or 24 weeks, died suddenly over the weekend. As we have said before, things can really go south quickly with these little ones. On a better note, you may remember a little one named Nowell that has been in Tupelo, MS. I asked everyone to pray for her a couple of months ago, as her parents were told she probably wouldn't make it. Well, she is now at home. Praise the Lord for that miracle as well!
(Hit pause on the playlist to hear the sound on the video)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Good Reports

Just wanted to let everyone know how the girls are doing. It is not quite as easy to do updates as often, since they are at home now. First of all, Taylor hasn't required oxygen in several days- Praise the Lord! They are going tomorrow back to the pulmonologist and will be getting synegis(sp?) shots to prevent RSV, which is like a severe baby cold that would land them back in the hospital if they got it. The shots are very expensive- like $3,000 for the both of them- and is a monthly shot. Fortunately our insurance covers the shots, otherwise we'd have to chance it.
Today, we went to the OT and got a great report. She said she certainly couldn't tell they were 25 weekers, as they have no developmental delays that she could tell. Although they are 4 1/2 months old, They should only be a little over a month old. Taylor was on track for that age, and she said Kamryn was doing things a two month old baby can do! She said one thing she would worry about with Taylor's Hemorrhage was CP, and she showed no signs of it. It was a very encouraging visit. Thank you for your prayers! Some people were wondering why Kerri didn't get a blog tribute on her birthday- Well, I don't have any excuses except we had updated like the day before anyway, and I didn't have any pics to post, which is what I know you guys like to look at anyway. Just so I don't look completely sorry, I did babysit for several hours to allow her to go do one of her most favorite things in the world- shop! She had a great time and a great 30th birthday. We are planning on heading back to MS next week! Please keep us in your prayers as it will be a long trip for the girls. Thanks again to you all.