Practicing walking
Mom bundled up Taylor after a bath
Cultural Day at School
Tia Amanda with the girls
The beautiful surrounding mountains
yesterday was the girls' 14 month birthday. They've been doing well, but today Kamryn started running fever. We made an appointment with the doctor and found out she and Taylor both have tonsillitis. They were put on augmentin and should be better in a couple of days. Please keep them in your prayers. I(Ted) am going out of town for the weekend on a diving trip, so remember Kerri also. We are also praying about a ministry opportunity. We are a little timid about trying to lead a bible study, because we don't have a lot of language at the moment, but we know if the Lord is leading us to do something, He will give us what we need, verdad(right)? We have been blessed this week to have our former pastor and professor Stan May and his wife, Iva here. They were the speakers for spiritual emphasis week. Praise the Lord for the refreshment they've brought. Thank you all for your prayers and we love you all.