Sorry for being so long on posting. We don't have internet service at home right now, so it's harder to do. It's hardly worth it if we'll only be here two more months. We are still hopeful that we can leave right after Christmas for Costa Rica to study Spanish. It all depends on the girls' medical clearance; which we probably won't know until around December. We've ordered some books and are doing some studying to try and get ahead of the game a little.
The Girls are doing great, Taylor weighing in at 10lbs 9ozs, and Kamryn at 9lbs 5ozs. They are getting cuter by the day, and more fun to be around since they're smiling and even starting to laugh a little. We had a great shower Sunday back in Greenwood, and had a diaper and wipe shower the previous week at our home church in North MS- Great blessings!! We've been able to see more family and friends who have been praying for our girls, and that's been wonderful as well. Our Doctor's appointments have all gone well- The eye doctor says both girls' eyes are almost finished maturing and are looking great. Continue to pray for their wellbeing and ours as we take care of them through the winter months and for God's will and timing in going to Costa Rica. Thanks again so much to our faithful prayer warriors.